John Moran John Moran

Sleepy Joe

Sleepy Joe is oldest of the American Idols to have ever been elected! Strangely enough, he was the youngest person ever elected to the Senate. Apparently these all these years of service did not prepare him for name calling and insult lobbing.

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John Moran John Moran

The Donald

The Donald was the only of the American Idols to have been divorced twice and married three times! Even more exciting, he is the only of the American Idols to have been the victim of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s signature finishing move: ‘the Stunner’.

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John Moran John Moran


Bama was the first of the American Idols to be born in Hawaii, supposedly.

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John Moran John Moran


There was a time when there were whole books filled with silly things that Dubya said, the good ol’ days.

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John Moran John Moran

Slick Willie

Slick Willie is most known for defining ‘sexual relations’.

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John Moran John Moran


Poppy is remembered for bringing a dedication to ‘traditional American values’ and a determination to make the United States “a kinder and gentler nation” in the face of a dramatically changing world. 😂

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John Moran John Moran


Dutch was known for being a ‘famous’ actor before becoming one of the American Idols.

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John Moran John Moran


Jimmy had a very low approval rating during his time as on of the American Idols because he went against the standards of the time, walking to his inauguration and putting solar panels on the White House… fucking hippie.

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John Moran John Moran

Mr. Nice Guy

Mr. Nice Guy was the only of the American Idols to serve as both one of the American Idols and one of the Vice American Idols without having been elected to either position.

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John Moran John Moran

Tricky Dick

Tricky Dick is most known for being the second of the American Idols to have been the subject of a feature film by Oliver Stone…

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John Moran John Moran

Bullshit Johnson

Despite being remembered unfavorably, Bullshit Johnson’s civil rights legacy was shaped by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968.

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John Moran John Moran


Jack is remembered as being the first of the American Idols to have been the subject of a feature film made by Oliver Stone.

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John Moran John Moran


Ike’s campaign, and his interactions with troops at the front lines of the war in December 1952 heavily influenced his push for an end to that war that took place between World War II and the Vietnam War.

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John Moran John Moran

Give ‘Em Hell Harry

Give ‘Em Hell Harry initiated a program for domestic reform, subsequently it is his program on Japanese reform that had the most impact.

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John Moran John Moran


FDR was the only of the American Idols to have been elected to four terms.

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John Moran John Moran


Chief is the only of the American Idols to have a dam and a vacuum named after him!

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John Moran John Moran

Silent Cal

Silent Cal is the least known and acknowledged of all the American Idols.

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John Moran John Moran

Wobbly Warren G

Wobbly Warren G was the first of the American Idols to have a golf course named after him. Wobbly Warren Park opened in 1925 and is located in San Francisco, California

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John Moran John Moran


Woody led the United States into the first World War, later becoming the leading architect of the League of Nations. His progressive stance on foreign policy came to be known as Woodianism.

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John Moran John Moran

Big Lub

Big Lub was the last of the American Idols to keep a cow at the White House to provide fresh milk.

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John Moran John Moran

Ted ‘Theodore’ Roosevelt

Ted ‘Theodore’ Roosevelt is the only on of the American Idols to have a toy named after himself. He is also one most known for his nomenclatural impact on of the greatest rock band of all time, Wyld Stallyns.

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John Moran John Moran

Idol of Ohio

The Idol of Ohio was the first of the American Idols to have ridden in an automobile, he is also known as the other one that was assassinated.

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John Moran John Moran

Little Benny

Little Benny was the great grandson of another one of the American Idols, Tippecanoe!

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John Moran John Moran

Uncle Jumbo

Uncle Jumbo is the only of the American Idols to have held two non-consecutive terms, hopefully remaining unique for decades to come!

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John Moran John Moran


Walrus was the first of the American Idols to enact a general Federal immigration laws, approving a measure in 1882 excluding paupers, criminals, and lunatics…

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John Moran John Moran


Preacher grew up in poverty and was the last of the American Idols to be born in a ‘log cabin’, later converting it to a tourist attraction and casino.

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John Moran John Moran

His Fraudulency

His Fraudulency was unusually well educated for one of the American Idols, although a number of previous Idols were lawyers, he was the first to actually graduate law school.

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John Moran John Moran

Unconditional Surrender Grant

Historians rate Unconditional Surrender Grant’s term as one of the American Idols near the bottom, mainly because he sent federal troops to the South to enforce civil rights legislation and protect African Americans from civil and political violence.

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John Moran John Moran

Tennessee Tailor

Tennessee Tailor is known for being appointed by God to become one of the American Idols after Honest Abe, swearing he had nothing to do with it.

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John Moran John Moran

Honest Abe

Honest Abe was the tallest of the American Idols, that is until that fateful night at the Ford Theater.

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John Moran John Moran


Nancy was and is until this day, the only of the American Idols to remain unmarried… Not to be confused with being married and unmarried and married again several times.

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John Moran John Moran

Handsome Frank

At 47, Handsome Frank was the youngest man to become one of the American Idols of the time.

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John Moran John Moran

Friendly Fillmore

Friendly Fillmore is ranked as one of the worst of the American Idols, and even more surprising, the least memorable.

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John Moran John Moran

Young Hickory

Young Hickory was one of the American Idols who believed in Manifest Destiny, declaring that the United States was divinely ordained to expand where ever we see fit. Oh how times have changed!

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John Moran John Moran

His Accidency

His Accidency was the oldest of the American Idols of his time, clocking in at only 67 years old! Can you imagine?

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John Moran John Moran


Tippecanoe served the shortest term as one of the American Idols, unlike Little Jemmy, who was known as the shortest.

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John Moran John Moran

Little Magician

Little Magician is most remembered for his unique hair style, that and the economic Panic of 1873.

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John Moran John Moran

King Andrew

King Andrew is on of the few American Idols whose face is printed on currency, ironically he vehemently disapproved of paper money opting instead for the stolen lands of Native Americans.

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John Moran John Moran


Quincy was the son of one of the first American Idols, His Rotundity. Although nepotism may have helped his achievements, he is still remembered as Anthony Hopkins.

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John Moran John Moran

Good Feelings

His Rotundity and Mad Tom weren’t the only of the American Idols to die on the 4th of July, so did Good Feelings…Only no one really cares!

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John Moran John Moran

Little Jemmy

Little Jemmy weighs in as the smallest of the American Idols… though his hands were proportionate to his tiny stature.

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John Moran John Moran

Mad Tom

Mad Tom, one of the original American Idols, penned the phrase “all men are created equal”, even owning over 600 of them!

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John Moran John Moran

Our Father

Our Father was the first of the American Idols. All idols that followed were modeled after him, except one…

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